
City of Bright Lights

I have temporarily abandoned blogger due to the bliss of creating a Tumblr. I am sorry for this. Promise it will not happen again (or I will try to avoid letting it happen). With that said however, I am very bummed since I never ever have comments. If somebody out there reads (and enjoys) my blog, please make yourself present, let me know that there is somebody who appreciates my writing.
Anyways, in the mean time I shall upload some pictures from my weekend in NYC.
My parents came up with my sister for srping break and I met up with them last Thursday. Here are some pics of the usual (Times Sq., MoMa) and the not-so-usual.

My sister and I making facing while waiting in the dressing room at Saks Fifth Avenue.

One of Tim Burton's creations at the MoMa. I must say, his exhibit was AMAZING. The man has so much creativity and talent.

Some of the classic MoMa paintings.

TImes Sq. at night This was right after watching Billy Elliot. Very good musical: great music, incredible choreographies and staging, and impressive dancing.

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