
Sorry for my AWOLness

I know it has been a while since my last post, and I apologize because I really have no excuse what-so-ever not to blog. I have had tons of free time on my hands, and instead of using it productively to blog and such, I have been watching Brothers and Sisters, Skins, Gossip Girl, etc. I have even been to the movies twice already this week (its only Thursday), which means that I must be very very bored (for those of you who don't know this: I usually hate going to the movies).
Anyways here are some pictures from BU Relay for Life. This was my very unexpected Saturday activity about 2 weeks ago. I was all ready to sit and sulk for night, when my friends suggested we take part in this philanthropic event. Got my stuff together and walked all night (almost). Ran several meters and even completed a wheelbarrow race, all before going to bed at 6:30 am (only to wake up at 10ish the next morning).
Hope you enjoy and decide to take part in a Relay for Life (if you ever get a chance).

P.S. Next year I want to get a sponsor and try to walk the whole 12 hours (6pm to 6am) non-stop. Would need help from my friends to distract me, feed me, and quench my thirst, but I think I can pull it off!

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