

I am not feeling the best right now (i think it was last nights whisky that caused an allergic reaction maybe). Anyways, last night was the bomb! It was so much fun. I went out with my NU girlfriends (Mariel, Gaby, Kaley, Ale) to Beacon Hill (Javi and Pascual's house) and we pretty much hung out for a while before the boys left to go clubbing (they had asked us to wait for them can you believe that!) and we parted to Gaby's apartment! She has the best home here in Boston! Seriously it was sooo nice, it made me wish i had my own apartment and not a three person dorm (even though i love HoJo and my roomies!). We laughed histerically over Gaby's accent (dominican republic) and around 2 ish i came back home!
As for Thursday (during the day) I had some classes, a writing appointment aaaaaand (drumroll please...) The Buzz layout meeting! I am oh so very excited to be able to be on their staff and actually show people i can work my magic! After that i had the least mexican quesadilla ever (portobello mushrooms, wannabe queso panela and grilled vegetables in a flour tortilla).
Today, woke up , went to class and didn't do so bad on my quiz; had more classes and a free Sobe (brightened up my morning!). Later had lunch with Sophie, went to Fit Rec and I am now waiting for my laundry to be done...
Tonight is going to be a good night! (or at least i hope so, depending on how i feel later on)
P.S. the title of today's blog is about you know who! (if you don't then you don't know me well enough!)

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